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Aleksandar Janićijević
❖ Curriculum Vitae - PDF |
❖ Una Janićijević ❖ Ken Grünberg ❖ Slobodan Marković ❖ dipl. ing. arch. Rajko Petrović ❖ oaa. mraic. aia. Ivan Martinović Architect, Toronto, Canada ❖ Morana Petrofski, Director, ❖ dipl. ing. arch. Branislav Kovachevich, |
We are available for psychogeograpy portraits, unique way of analysis of the needs and identity of urban neighbourhoods in the pre planning process. Some of the questions raised and answered could be: what’s unique, what do we need here, how to revitalize it, how to make it function or give it expression, how can it differentiate itself, how to preserve and promote, what are the design principles, how to create bonds, communicate community, densify and diversif or how to improve resilience of this community. We are also available for graphic and web design projects. In last ten years we have created lot of illustrations with urban issues in mind, public presentations, lectures and consultations. Author of all of the photos, panoramas, illustrations and texts used in this site is Aleksandar Janicijevic, except those where someone else is quoted. We are holders of all the copyrights.
1.647.204.6256 See example: "Old Toronto", analysis of neighbourhood behaviours, created as a case study for the project "Digital Neighbourhoods", Revitalization Institute, Seneca College Old Toronto: Since 2015 Aleksandar is participating as a founding member in Resilience 2to1, a non-profit group of educators, researchers and professionals focused on the issue of resilience for Canada during a changing climate. |
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urban squares initiative is licensed under a creative commons attribution-share alike 2.5 canada license. |
List of SquaresActivitiesDocumentationClassificationEvaluationPsychogeographyNetwork&ResourcesWho We AreContact Us | ||||||||
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